Don't accept excuses. After all, he can just put them together...

Quarantine has completely restructured our world. It has not only affected the big things that we do but our day to day activities. I no longer work in a building, I work from home. I can't go to the gym nor can I eat in restaurants with family and friends. Date nights with my boyfriend at AMC are put to a halt and now we cuddle to Netflix and Nachos.

This couple on Twitter has set THEE bar on how quarantine should not stop us but have us wake up and grab life by the balls! He begins to tell us that he and his girlfriend met during this pandemic. He wanted to give her flowers on several occasions however no one was offering local arrangements so here's what he did.

He took it upon himself to create many bouquets and create a beautiful love story that I'm sure they'll remember forever. The screenshots are down below. Official posts can be found on his Twitter @philipwitcraft and commentary from many admirers on Instagram @Ur.favcouples.

XOXO- Nery

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